PLATEAU PEOPLE: University of Washington June 2011 graduates

The following area students will graduate in June from the University of Washington.

The following area students will graduate in June from the University of Washington.

Black Diamond: Jacob Carstensen, bachelor of arts in psychology; Craig Kilgore, bachelor of arts in business administration; Jacob Meader, bachelor of arts in civil engineering; Amanda Petite, bachelor of arts in interdisciplinary arts and sciences; and Steven Thomas, bachelor of arts in communications.

Buckley: Brittany Lawrence, bachelor of arts in psychology; Aretha Nguyen, bachelor of arts in communications; Robert Ocasio, bachelor of arts in social welfare; Kathryn Rice, bachelor of arts in political science; Kathryn Royse, bachelor of arts in interdisciplinary arts and sciences; and Jenney Smith, bachelor of arts in social welfare.

Enumclaw: Jillian Alley, bachelor of arts in political science; David Baydek, bachelor of arts in communications; Clark Edwards, bachelor of arts in American studies; Stephanie Elliott, bachelor of arts in sociology; Andrea Fantello, bachelor of arts in business administration; Justin Farley, bachelor of arts in economics; Elisabeth Frerichs, bachelor of arts in psychology and English; Jesmie Ginez, bachelor of arts in biochemistry; Elaine Hall, bachelor of arts in communications; Rebecca Hodges, bachelor of arts in political science and international security; Joshua Howard, bachelor of arts in political science and philosophy; Bailey Howe, bachelor of arts in business administration/accounting; Kyle Howerton, bachelor of science in earth and space sciences; Mackenzie Kieft, bachelor of arts in environmental studies; Evan Pricco, bachelor of arts in communications; Conner Rich, bachelor of arts in drama; Katie Saunders, bachelor of arts in sociology; Joshua Schipper, bachelor of arts in drama/performance; Jennifer Schmidt, bachelor of arts in psychology and sociology; Jaclyn Welsh, bachelor of arts in business administration/marketing; and Alena Wentworth, bachelor of arts in communications.

Ravensdale: Kami Koyamatsu, bachelor of science in forest resources; Derek Nelson, bachelor of science in aeronautical and astronautical engineering.