Pointing fingers just gets in the way of progress

I just don’t get it.

As I sit here and read the paper each week, I get a bit discouraged. The “left vs. the right wars.” Democrats against the Republicans. So-and-so is ripping on that person. Yes, it does matter about our debt, our future, our families who don’t have jobs. But battling back and forth isn’t going to change a person’s opinion.

When we step back and look at the big picture, does it matter whose side you are on? It’s about morals, about what’s right and wrong. Good and evil. Standing together to make a difference.

I think we all know this country is going downhill fast. What are we doing? Blaming the liberals and pointing fingers at the Tea Party. Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone in town put their opinions aside, grabbed each others’ hand and became united as one? Sounds kinda corny and way out of left field, but is anything else working? It’s great that people have an opinion, don’t get me wrong, but when it gets in the way, not good. People can get so wrapped up in their political beliefs that they easily forget about the next-door neighbor who is lonely. The person down the street that is too old to mow the lawn and can’t afford a landscaper. The kid at the bus stop with his pants too short. That’s what matters. Not how many talk radio stations are progressive. Battling about who spent more, the right-wingers or the liberals. The spending has been done. Why bicker? It’s like two kids arguing over a water balloon. They both have their hands on it, it falls and splatters. It’s gone. It’s done. Who’s at fault? They can point fingers at each other for days. Months. Won’t solve anything. I’m not going to say where I stand politically. Sometimes in life it just doesn’t matter.

Chrissy Marlow
