Public invited to trade show at White River High

White River High School’s DECA and marketing students will host the seventh annual trade show from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday in the high school commons.

White River High School’s DECA and marketing students will host the seventh annual trade show from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday in the high school commons.

Students will represent more than 40 businesses and companies at this free event. Visitors will receive free samples, as well as information about new and existing companies.

According to marketing educator Randy Wilson, the trade show helps students understand more about real world business. Each student is responsible for representing a company of his or her choice by learning about the company, product line and creating a booth. Each booth will contain literatures, pamphlets, posters and samples that have been provided by the companies they are representing.

Contacting businesses, building rapport, networking and preparing a presentation are all skills vital to students who will be the future business owners of the community. Students are also responsible for gaining the knowledge necessary to field questions.