Recognizing and responding to trauma webinar March 20

On Thursday, March 20 from 1-2:30 p.m. a webinar through the National Prevention Strategy presented by Region VIII Federal Partners will take place.

On Thursday, March 20 from 1-2:30 p.m. a webinar through the National Prevention Strategy presented by Region VIII Federal Partners will take place.

The webinar is titled “Recognizing and Responding to Trauma: The ACE Study and Trauma-Informed Care.”

This webinar will help provide a foundation of understanding for anyone serving children, youth and families who have experienced traumatic experiences.

Below is the schedule of topics that will be discussed during the hour and a half online workshop.

2:00-2:05  Welcome and Adobe Connect logistics

Speaker: Cherri Pruitt, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HRSA, Region, VIII Maternal and Child Health Consultant

2:05-2:15  What IS the National Prevention Council’s Mental and Emotional Well-Being Strategy?

Speaker: Charles H. Smith, MA, PhD, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Regional Administrator-Region VIII, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

2:15-2:50   Understanding the Impact of Trauma This presentation will provide an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, address the prevalence of trauma, and suggest techniques to reduce the likelihood of re-traumatization.  Participants will learn what trauma is, and how it affects individuals on a psychological, developmental, and neurobiological level.  In addition, trauma-informed practices, including how these inform seclusion and restraint alternatives, and self-regulation strategies will be discussed.

Speaker: Dr. Joan Gillece, National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors

2:50-3:15  Approaches for Enhancing Trauma Informed Care in the Child Welfare System and Beyond – While the vast majority of children, youth and families involved in the child welfare system have been exposed to traumatic events, there can be many differences in how each child or family responds to trauma and what they need.  In this presentation participants will learn about the components of trauma informed systems and how an initiative in Denver is enhancing our response to children and youth involved with child welfare. It is essential that our multiple systems work together so that trauma conscious practice can be infused into the repertoire of professionals as well as family and community members. An overview will be provided of the implementation of universal trauma screening; training and coaching in trauma-informed practice for professionals and family members caring for children; and the expansion of evidence based trauma-focused mental health services in our community.

Speaker: Christina Little, PhD, Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect, Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine

3:15-3:30    Questions & Answers and Additional Resources

To register for this webinar, visit the Health Resources and Services Administration’s website.