Rezone passes council

The Bonney Lake City Council changed the zoning for Inlet Island and the Church Lake neighborhood Dec. 9, settling an issue that has been contentious in both areas of the city.

City Council rezones Inlet Island and Church Lake community to R-1

The Bonney Lake City Council changed the zoning for Inlet Island and the Church Lake neighborhood Dec. 9, settling an issue that has been contentious in both areas of the city.

The council unanimously passed a comprehensive plan amendment that included changing both Inlet Island and the Church Lake area to R-1 (Residential-1) from R-2.

The R-1 zoning is designed for single-family residences and R-2 allows for high densities including multifamily structures like duplexes.

The duplexes that were built in both areas were an issue for the neighbors.

Citizens from both areas expressed their concern to City Council about higher densities.

A Nov. 18 City Council workshop drew more than 50 people as council members heard testimony on the rezone. Craig Sarver from Church Lake said the rezone would help improve the quality of life in the neighborhood.

Following the Dec. 9 vote, James Chaney from Inlet Island said the rezone was a “good accomplishment for everyone on the island. We are all keeping our fingers crossed it will really happen. I couldn’t be happier.”

The vote included a rezone of the Cedar Grove area from R-2 to R-3 and a change to the properties next to Lowe’s from residential to commercial. The Josh Hulburt property at at 9202 184th Ave. E. will change from single family to high density residential and retail mixed use was adopted for the Downtown core.

Councilman David Bowen made a motion to change part of the Cedar Grove area, south of 94th Street East, to commercial and the neighborhood north of 94th Street East to R-3. Cedar Grove is across the street from Lowe’s and Albertsons.

The motion failed with council members Mark Hamilton, Dave King, Jim Rackley, Laurie Carter and Deputy Mayor Dan Swatman voting no.

Councilman Dan Decker and Bowen voted yes.

Reach Dennis Box at or 360-802-8209.