Roach will run again

Dennis Box, The Courier-Herald

Dennis Box, The Courier-Herald

Rep. Dan Roach (R-Bonney Lake) is jumping back into the ring, seeking a third term in the state House of Representatives.

While no opponent has lined up on the other side, Roach intends to push his message as if it were a closely fought campaign.

"We kicked off the campaign with a packed house on Thursday," Roach said. "I'm approaching this election like any other."

Roach's campaign platform remains the same as previous campaigns.

"Number one is balancing the budget," Roach said. "We're expecting a $1 billion shortfall. My plan is to again balance the budget without raising taxes. There is incredible pressure from the other side of the aisle to raise taxes."

His other target issue is creating more jobs in the state.

"We have to keep creating jobs in this state," Roach said. "We need to be sure we keep the jobs we have and bring more into the state by creating a business climate that brings in jobs. We're doing better, but we are lagging behind most of the rest of the nation in terms of economic recovery."

Roach stated making government smaller and more accountable is an important element in his campaign.

"People are cynical about government for good reason," Roach said. "We have to work to gain the trust of the people."

The representative has yet to serve in the House when the Republicans are in the majority, but he likes the party's chances this year.

"I'm really happy with the outlook this year," Roach said. "We're only down four seats in the house. Those four seats were decided last time by 2,000 votes. We were right there. I think this year people sense there is a lot at stake."

A highlight of Roach's political career came last year when he was elected assistant floor leader.

"I felt great about my colleagues having confidence in me," Roach said. "And I like being able to help set the direction of where we want to take the state."

Roach and his wife Melanie have two children. Besides his work as a representative, he and his wife own and operate Roach Gymnastics in Sumner.

Dennis Box can be reached at