Senate Ways and Means agenda | Olympia

SB 5064 - Providing that a quarterly revenue forecast is due on February 20th during both a long and short legislative session year. (If measure is referred to committee.)

Senate Full Committee

Senate Hearing Rm 4

J.A. Cherberg Building

Olympia, WA

REVISED ON 1/9/2015 AT 2:59 PM

Work Session:

  1. Overview and update on the website.
  2. Local government distributions.

Public Hearing:

  1. SB 5064 – Providing that a quarterly revenue forecast is due on February 20th during both a long and short legislative session year. (If measure is referred to committee.)
  2. SB 5063 – Prioritizing state revenue growth for education. (If measure is referred to committee.)
  3. Increasing transparency of state government expenditures [S-0418.2].

If draft bills, proposed substitutes, or striking amendments are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee’s website,, as soon as they are available. The draft bill will not be heard if it is referred to another committee. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.