Stats show crime does not pay in city

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

Bonney Lake's police department released its April crime report and in every category the news is good.

Major crime totals dropped in all areas. For the year, most major crime categories dropped except simple assaults, while both juvenile and adult arrests were up as were driving under the influence citations.

Police Chief Mike Mitchell said the statistics reflect the work of the officers on patrol.

“The officers are out there working hard,” Mitchell said. “We have a reputation that if someone is going to commit a crime, don't go to Bonney Lake. If there is a crime we solve it.”

Officer Laura Miller is the department's crime analyst and Mitchell said her work in compiling and analyzing statistics has greatly improved the force's ability to solve crime in the city.

“She is worth her weight in gold,” Mitchell said. “We are not just documenting crimes and making reports; we are solving them. That's what law enforcement is all about.”

Mitchell noted there was a string of residential burglaries committed during spring break and within two weeks Bonney Lake officers made arrests.

The chief said other areas the department is concentrating on are underage drinking and youth parties as the school year nears an end and summer vacation approaches.

Last year there were six fatalities and several other serious accidents during the late spring and summer in Bonney Lake and the Plateau area. Most of those accidents involved teenagers and alcohol.

Mitchell is chairman of the Pierce County DUI Task Force and he pointed out arrests are not the only tool to combat the problem.

“We can arrest people all day,” Mitchell said. “But sometimes we need to get them help. We are not just making arrest, we are working to get people the help they need.

“A lot of good people are lost to drugs,” Mitchell said.

An overview of the crime report showed one case of aggravated assault in April with five reported in April 2007. There were 15 simple assaults in April and 16 in the same month for 2007.

For the year, aggravated assaults are down 21 percent from 14 to 11. Simple assaults are up 39 percent from 43 to 60.

Property crimes have dropped 17 percent for the year. DUI citations have increased this year from 45 to 68. Adult arrests bounced up from 291 in 2007 to 361 this year through April. Juvenile arrests increased from 49 to 61.

Dennis Box can be reached at