August 22
Driving Under the Influence: Officers spoke with the reporting party by phone involving a suspected drunk driver. The reporting party told officers he had been in an accident earlier with the suspect and that she smelled of alcohol. He was following her as she drove into Bonney Lake on SR 410. Officers waited for the vehicle to pass their location and pulled the vehicle over. Once officers approached the vehicle and spoke with the driver, it appeared that she had been drinking. She told officers that she had been but said no to doing field sobriety tests. She was arrested and transported to the Bonney Lake Police Department. She continued to say “no” when asked to perform a breath test. Officers transported her to the Enumclaw jail where she was booked for driving under the influence. After a records check, officers discovered she had two prior DUI’s, one in Puyallup and one in Bonney Lake.
Storage Unit Burglary: Officers spoke with the owner of a storage unit over the phone regarding a burglary. She told officers the lock on her storage unit had been cut off. She told officers she hadn’t been to the unit since the end of July but at that time everything looked OK. She also told them that a number of items appeared to be missing. Officers asked her to put together a list of the missing items. At the time of the report, no further action had been taken.
August 21
Property for Sale: Officers responded to the report of suspicious activity at a home for sale. The reporting party told officers it was thought that no one would be on the property. Officers contacted two subjects at the property. They told officers their grandmother had given them permission to stay there while the house was on the market. After a records check, officers learned that one of the subjects had a warrant for his arrest out of the department for failure to transfer title within 45 days. Officers arrested him and booked him into the Puyallup jail.
August 19
Burglary: Officers responded to a residence on Locust Ave. to the report of a burglary. The owner told officers he returned from home from work and noticed his master bedroom window was open. A number of items were missing from the home. Nothing further was done with this case at the time of the report.