Plateau Outreach Ministries sends out a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who have helped these past two weekends to prepare us for our big move.

Plateau Outreach Ministries sends out a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who have helped these past two weekends to prepare us for our big move.

Thank you to the churches of the Plateau Ministerial Association for sharing your “Faith in Action” day, Sunday April 18th. I believe we had close to 200 people working tasks such as; breaking down bulk food, cleaning up and cleaning out rooms, taking to the dump a mountain of debris from our new building, weeding, cleaning windows, pressure-washing, priming and moving most of our food bank to our new building. It was a full day of great work that touched our hearts. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us.

Next, we were the recipients of the Enumclaw Rotary “Christmas in April” work day April 24th. Included in this rainy, windy day were; Craig O’Brien, Dan Kraus (and daughter), Fred Davis, Jim Puttman, Jon Funfar, Juanita Carstens, Devin Brown, Kirk Parce, Laura Borg, Bob Baer, Tami Dunn, Tom Underbrink, Walt McLean, and Wendy Walker. Together this Rotary work crew; painted walls, tore down old signs off the outside of our building, vacuumed, and left our room move-in ready.

Truly, we would not be able to complete all this work and continue to provide the services we do to the community. We are so thankful to live in such a generous village.

Thank you from the bottom of our heart,

Kimberly Fish

Kath Duncan

Denise Trivelas

Debbie Games