The Kitchen: An unlikely danger zone | Compliance and Safety

Never leave your cooking unattended. Always keep your stove company. Especially if you’re frying something—that’s when things can cross the line in mere seconds. It's one of the simplest fire safety tips, but it's also the leading cause of kitchen fires.

Never leave your cooking unattended. Always keep your stove company. Especially if you’re frying something—that’s when things can cross the line in mere seconds. It’s one of the simplest fire safety tips, but it’s also the leading cause of kitchen fires.

Keep it clean. Keep stove and counter surfaces free of clutter, grease, and especially flammable objects like hairspray, bug spray, or air freshener. In case of an emergency you’ll be able to react faster given the freedom of space.

Set a timer. Don’t just rely on your brain; we’re human, and we get distracted. A timer can remind you to switch off the burner or oven, saving your food and possibly your house from being burnt.

In case of a pan fire, control the fire by:

  • Covering the pan with a lid or a bigger upturned pan.

  • Turn the heat off.

  • Spray the pot with a fire extinguisher.

  • If you don’t have a fire extinguisher handy, douse the burning oil with baking soda.

  • Never run with a pan fire. You run the risk of spreading the fire further when the oil drips.

  • Never throw water on the pan—it will splatter the oil and spread the fire, possibly burning you.

  • Never throw sugar or flour on a grease fire. Flour might look like baking soda, but it’s not, so it won’t react similarly! One cup of either of these baking products contains the explosive potential of two sticks of dynamite. (Pay special attention this fire safety tip, it can result in third degree burns and even death in some cases.)

Wear tight clothes. Billowing sleeves or hanging accessories above a lit stove can spell disaster.

Install a smoke detector in the kitchen. In a commercial enviroment, consider investing in fire safety training for employees.