The little things of Sumner | Sumner Mayor Update

If I asked you what the City staff do, I'd bet you'd answer things like make arrests, pave roads, answer questions, provide water and sewer service, and so on. I just wanted to share that it's not always what the City staff do that makes Sumner such a great place, but how they do it.

The following is written by Sumner Mayor Dave Enslow:

If I asked you what the City staff do, I’d bet you’d answer things like make arrests, pave roads, answer questions, provide water and sewer service, and so on.  I just wanted to share that it’s not always what the City staff do that makes Sumner such a great place, but how they do it.  Here are two examples:

Katie is our new parks/cemetery employee.  She drives the watering truck to water the hanging baskets (early in the morning so that we don’t lose any water to evaporation).  About two weeks into her job, she saw an elderly woman on Kincaid Avenue, looking a bit lost.  Instead of just driving by, Katie pulled the truck over, got out, and offered some much needed assistance.

Scott is in our Public Works department and got a call from someone developing land in the north end.  They were about to tear up an old patch of zucchini that was at the peak of perfection for picking.  Scott grabbed a co-worker, a bunch of boxes, and picked the zucchini to deliver to the Sumner Community Food Bank, which was then given to those in need.

These are just two examples of things your staff do every day to keep this city running well.  They are an incredible group of creative people who always seem to look for solutions.  Whether you’re paying your water bill or pass a crew working out in the hot sun, please thank them. They come to work every day looking for ways to make all our lives a little better.