Updated stormwater permit issued to state Department of Transportation

The state Department of Ecology has issued an updated stormwater permit to the Washington State Department of Transportation to continue to protect water quality.

The state Department of Ecology has issued an updated stormwater permit to the Washington State Department of Transportation to continue to protect water quality.

The permit regulates stormwater runoff from highways and transportation facilities in urbanized areas. This helps manage stormwater runoff and protect water quality. If not treated properly, stormwater can degrade water quality, carry contaminants into downstream waters, and harm sensitive fish and wildlife habitats.

Along with the updated permit, the two agencies also signed a new implementing agreement. WSDOT will also apply design standards in its Highway Runoff Manual to new facility and road construction projects statewide.

More than 100 local governments in the most populated areas of the state are managing their stormwater runoff under municipal stormwater permits – the WSDOT permit is an example that the state is continuing to do its part on state-owned properties.

WSDOT has worked closely with Ecology since 2009 under this permit to protect Washington waters.

Find out more by going to Ecology’s website. (www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/municipal/wsdot.html)


For more information:


Water Quality Program (www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/wqhome.html)