Volunteers to honor Phil Poppleton

Volunteers are invited to a work party at Veteran’s Park in honor of the late Phil Poppleton.

Volunteers are  invited to a work party at Veteran’s Park in honor of the late Phil Poppleton.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. Aug. 24.

Volunteers are needed to dig up the heavily-weeded area on the west berm. The Boy Scouts and others have started the project, but muscle is needed to finish the difficult job. Weeds took over after pine trees were removed several years ago. Good shrubs have been donated but need a clean space to grow.

Poppleton purchased and planted many large juniper and euonymus that need weekly watering.

Volunteers are asked to arrive armed with shovel, rake and work  shoes to show respect for Poppleton, who spent countless hours making the city parks and museum landscaping more beautiful.