White River Families First Coalition meeting March 23

Please join the next White River Families First Coalition meeting on Monday, March 23rd at 3:30 pm at the Buckley Fire Station located at 611 S. Division St., Buckley (just off Ryan Rd.)

Please join the next White River Families First Coalition meeting on Monday, March 23rd at 3:30 pm at the Buckley Fire Station located at 611 S. Division St., Buckley (just off Ryan Rd.)

Sue Hart, Founder of Building Beyond the Walls, will be the guest speaker for the Knowing Our Communities segment of the meeting.  Sue will share how her program provides free construction skills training to youth ages 16 and over and adults of any ability while completing a small building that benefits service organizations in the community.

Heather Hogan from Rainier Foothills Wellness Foundation will be presenting an opportunity to the Coalition to receive a mentoring grant with Drug Free Communities.  Some time will be spent discussing this topic and determining if this is a good fit for the Coalition and the community.

There is time in the agenda for networking as well.  Please bring any fliers of your upcoming events or activities to share with the rest of the Coalition.

REMINDER: The nomination forms for the White River Communities Champion Awards went out this week.  Please consider nominating a person (youth or adult), group or business that has made a significant contribution to the health and well-being of the community’s youth and families.  Nominations are due April 17th.

Light refreshments will be served.