Working against domestic violence | Sumner Mayor update

As we do at the first Council meeting each October, we proclaimed October to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

The following is written by Sumner Mayor David Enslow:

As we do at the first Council meeting each October, we proclaimed October to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  With recent events in the news this year, awareness seems to already be higher than usual.  However, in the all the national media fray, it’s important to remember the efforts on a local level to combat domestic violence and assist those who are victimized.

Domestic violence is a troubling part of our society, involving every community–even Sumner–and people from every walk of life.  Sumner is fortunate enough to have organizations such as Exodus Housing to support families who are fleeing instances of domestic violence.  In past years, staff have jumped into Lake Tapps for the Take a Plunge event to raise money and awareness for Exodus Housing.  Our city administrator and city attorney have even “walked a mile in her shoes,” braving high heels to again raise money and awareness county-wide.  On the more serious side of things, our police officers respond to domestic disturbances and our legal department has a special effort to work with victims of domestic violence.

It’s a hard topic to discuss because it is so disturbing.  If the national attention has you noticing this topic more than you ever did before, please look into ways to get involved by supporting efforts to stop domestic violence, or supporting organizations like Exodus Housing that help victims break the cycle of violence.