Bin Laden knew Biden would be a failure – why didn’t voters? | The Smartest Man in the Room

Overlooking the Hudson River sits West Point, America’s oldest military academy. The academy is home to The Combating Terrorism Center, which holds for public view a verified May, 2010 letter of Usama Bin Laden (a.k.a. Osama Bin Laden) once deemed the world’s most wanted criminal.

In the letter, Bin Laden directs terrorist cells to prepare two groups – one in Pakistan and the other in Afghanistan — to target for destruction the aircrafts carrying General Petraeus and then-President Barrack Obama. That same letter however, specifically directs his terror cohorts not to target Vice President Biden by reason that if Obama, the head of infidelity, was killed, pursuant to American law, “Biden will automatically take over the presidency for the remainder of the term and Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis”.

So how is it that over a decade ago, America’s No. 1 sworn enemy knew what millions who voted for Old Joe did not know? Think on it. Think on it hard. Bin Laden hated America. He called it the great Satan. He swore upon all he held holy to destroy it. He prayed to Allah for your America to be eradicated from the face of the earth. Yet, he refused to order the death of then-Vice President Biden while directing the assassination of President Obama. Why? Because Bin Laden knew that Biden, as president, would do more harm to America from the inside than anything that Bin Laden could do to America from the outside.

In essence, Bin Laden believed Biden an imbedded secret weapon for the downfall of America.

Time has proven Bin Laden quite a prophet, foretelling years in advance just how ill-equipped Biden was then and is now to deal with the self-induced inherent chaos enveloping his presidency.

Pick a crisis, any crisis: runaway inflation, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, billions of U.S. paid for military hardware left behind to the Taliban, ever higher gas and energy prices, record illegal border crossings, a drastic increase in violence toward law enforcement, historic murder levels, inner city lawlessness, rampant looting, consequential supply shortages, extraordinarily high trade imbalances, a weakening dollar, illegal mask mandates; incoherent, competing and contradictory messaging on Covid-19, the spread of Omicron, his DOJ targeting parents for prosecution who criticize local school boards and, last but not least, Biden’s most recent major foreign policy mishap when he suggested during a press conference that Russia would face but minor consequences if it restrained itself to a “minor incursion” into Ukraine’s sovereign territory.

These are the sort of missteps that create a “crisis of confidence” in Biden’s presidency and his ability to lead. Americans, in growing numbers, believe Joe Biden incompetent and are now abandoning his presidency in droves.

Recent polling and commentary proves it.

A January 2022 Quinnipiac University Poll placed Biden’s overall approval rating at 33 percent, which means that if he started with 100 percent support of the original Three Stooges, Biden has now lost Curly and Moe with only that darn third stooge Larry remaining steadfast in his corner.

Likewise, an NBC Poll found that 72 percent of Americans polled believe America is heading in the wrong direction.

Even Chuck Todd of pro-Biden MSNBC has lost faith, stating in his “Meet The Press” segment that Biden “had lost his identity and is no longer seen as competent and effective in the eyes of the voters” while adding that Biden is not viewed “as a good commander-in-chief…or as easy-going and likable”.

Moreover, Biden’s ramblings, inability to complete sentences and obvious memory lapses, have led people to question his mental acuity. In a recent McLaughlin & Associates’ National Poll of likely voters, 60 percent believe that President Biden requires testing for cognitive health issues.

Then there is the Gallup Poll, which found that 47 percent of Americans now self-align with the Republican Party with 42 percent identifying as Democrats. When Biden took over from Donald Trump a year ago, Democrats held a 49-to-40 identity advantage. According to Gallup, this 7-point swing in favor of Republicans is the largest swing ever recorded since they have been tracking American identity politics.

Indeed, as per the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research Poll, a scant 28 percent of Americans believe Joe should run for president again in 2024.

What these polls and commentary illustrate is that most Americans have “awoken” and now see their emperor laid bare without any clothes. President Biden has been exposed and is now recognized as being what he truly always was: a good old boy — a back slapping, self promoting huckster of average intelligence (graduating in the bottom 10 percent of his Syracuse Law School Class while achieving a “C” Average and ranking 506th in a class of 688 at the University of Delaware); a walking-talking human gaffe machine who has now morphed into a cranky frail old man, with severe memory and cognitive issues; a hack politician with a divisive and wicked tongue who challenges voters to push-up contests and IQ tests and one who calls a reporter a “stupid son of a b***h”, an elderly American voter a “damn liar” and a young New Hampshire voter “a lying dog-faced pony soldier”, which to be honest, only makes sense in Biden’s own mind, a lonely place.

How is that for the self proclaimed “unifier-in-chief” fighting to restore the soul of our nation?

Now, that lying bit is indeed rich, as Biden has a verified history with being loose with the truth with an infinite amount of veracity faux pas over his career.

In 1977, he said forced school bussing would lead to his children growing up in a racial jungle.

In the 1980s, he lied about his intellectual prowess, drastically overstating his academic record. In 1988, he dropped his presidential run over a plagiarism scandal.

In 2012, he advised black voters that Republican economic policies would literally put them back in chains.

In August 2020, then-candidate Biden advised Americans they couldn’t trust a vaccine that was being produced by Trump’s Operation Warp Speed but, once elected, he mandated the very vaccines he previously claimed could not be trusted.

While running for president, Biden falsely claimed that Covid-19 killed 6,114 military personnel when the actual number was seven.

In a speech to black students in Atlanta Georgia, Biden claimed he was arrested during the civil rights movement in the 1950s and ’60s, a statement that drew four Pinocchios (the newspaper’s highest rating for a falsehood) from The Washington Post.

Recently, in his failed attempt to convince Americans to back his party’s election nationalization under the guise of voting rights, Biden inferred that Republican senators were philosophically aligned with the likes of segregationist George Wallace, the fictional Jim Crow, and Bull Connor, an avowed racist. If you listened to what was read from the teleprompter, you’re already aware what Biden said, but what he didn’t say and what he tried to hide from the American public is that voting laws from Texas and Georgia, which he refers to as “racist”, are in fact more liberal in many respects than the restrictive voting laws in Biden’s home state of Delaware. In this regard, The Washington Post again gave Biden four Pinocchios for certain claims of voter suppression associated with Georgia’s Voter Bill.

Many feel our current direction is eerily similar to 1970s America, referring to it as Jimmy Carter 2.0 or the Great Democratic Reset to Mediocrity. On July 15, 1979, in the midst of a natural gas shortage, plummeting polls numbers, and with his presidency in peril, Jimmy Carter addressed the American people and identified the root problem of America’s ills: “It is a crisis of confidence;… a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will” and one which “is threatening to destroy the social and the political fabric of America”.

I was glued to our television, as the majority of my family voted for Carter and only a few years before, I sat for hours with my father in our car waiting in line to pump gas because of shortages. Despite sitting on an underground ocean of untapped oil and gas reserves, Carter did not call for incentivizing additional production or increased exploration to meet the energy crisis.

Instead, President Carter directed Americans to set their thermostats at 55 degrees overnight during the winter months and to wear a sweater against the ever-increasing winter chill. In November 1980, Jimmy Carter was defeated by his Republican opponent in a landslide.

We are now confronted with our own crisis of confidence. Let us pray the 2024 election will be, in truth, déjà vu all over again and a competent leader will arise, preferably not one endorsed by those rooting for the downfall of America.

It is going to be a long two year wait.