My special place | Places of Identity

A personal essay written by Enumclaw Middle School student Audrey Panno.

Editor’s note: Enumclaw Middle School students wrote essays about how places around the Plateau shaped their identity. Five essays have been selected to be published in the Courier-Herald in fifth-week editions; they have been minimally edited to retain the author’s voice. The first was published Nov. 30, 2022. The next three will be published May 31, Aug. 30, and Nov. 29.

One of my most treasured places to be is Towerlane Farm where I have been going to since I was 2 years old. It is where my mom and I ride our horses and take lessons. It is a very significant place in my life that I have made many memories at and met some amazing people. I have also gotten to have some awesome opportunities and achieve many of my goals because of it.

Towerlane is in Enumclaw, WA on a beautiful, large plot of land occupied by at least 20 horses. Everywhere you look consists of bright green pastures with horses happily munching on the grass. Every time of day makes the land look pleasing, whether it is the morning when everything has a nice layer of dew like little diamond droplets in the pastures or sunset when the sky is a sun kissed orange and pink and darkness hasn’t settled yet.

The smell of fresh air and freedom engulfs you making you feel at home with the world around you. The freshly cut grass, horses and dust makes you feel content and delighted. It’s like the real world just melts away and your problems disappear, it’s just you, the horses and nature. The feel of the soft breeze when the weather is turning from summer to fall while you’re taking your horse on a walk around the property is so refreshing. My favorite time of year is summer when the weather is hot, making you feel energetic while the sky is filled with the brightness of the sun and there is no school to worry about. You spend all day at the barn, riding and hanging out with your friends and it’s warm enough to give your horse a bath. I love it when I get to sit on the soft toasty grass while my horses is dining next to me.

When you walk into the barn the sound of horses neighing makes you feel welcome. There is a soft murmur of people talking, getting lessons, and enjoying themselves. Towerlane has become a second home to me, it’s where I get to do my favorite thing with some of my favorite people. It is where I have made some amazing memories with my mom and met the person that is now my best friend. One of my favorite memories there is wandering around the farm on a jet black night with my best friend while the snow was discreetly falling. It was a freeing and pleasurable experience with no other worries.

I have learned so much about myself and many life lessons being there. Not only have I learned so much about horses and become a better rider but I have learned patience, responsibility, and independence. Horses are such honest animals and you are reflected in them more than you would think. In conclusion, Towerlane is part of my identity–it has greatly influenced who I am today and introduced me to the some of the best people. It has allowed me to achieve some of my dreams and it is helping me continue to reach my future goals.