I’m betting that anyone who follows my column is sick and tired of reading about how great I think our Sweetheart Wine Walk turned out to be and about the local resources and businesses that offer everything you need to plan a wedding such as the one Ascension Productions staged during our event. You might even be thinking it’s my job to talk positively about our downtown businesses so of course I’m going to say we have everything you need right here locally. But in light of my daughter’s “real” wedding this past weekend, I wanted you to know I put my money where my mouth is, or more appropriately, where the newsprint is.
Each long journey begins with one step. That is Foothills Rails-to-Trails jargon for – “you’ve got to start somewhere.”
My dad believed that as each of us travels through life, we should always be attempting new things, exploring new parts of ourselves – and taking risks.
The facts have to be sanitized for a family newspaper. But if people knew what Cal Brown really did to Holly Washa there would be no ambivalence about the death penalty.
The Fant family name has been around this region since early pioneer days. And since the family is directly related to the VanHoofs, Ellen Fant is probably related to half the people of Enumclaw in one shirt-tail way or another. (On second thought, given our rapid suburban growth in the last 30 years, that’s probably a slight exaggeration – but not much.)
Thursday was Legislative Day in Olympia for newspaper publishers and editors in the state of Washington. The Washington Newspaper Publishers Association and Allied Newspapers jointly have sponsored this event for more than 20 years.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but this cold, snowy, rainy weather we’ve had lately is definitely putting a damper on my “Swing into Spring” mood. I can only imagine how it’s affecting the daffodils that normally start thinking about blooming in March. First it’s sunny, then it’s cold, then it’s a balmy rain and just when you think we’ve made it through winter, here comes the snow again. While that’s not unusual in our mountain passes, it’s not quite so normal in the valley.
The facts have to be sanitized for a family newspaper. But if people knew what Cal Brown really did to Holly Washa there would be no ambivalence about the death penalty.
I remember it vividly from many years ago. I had sneaked up to my young son’s bedroom door and peered inside. There he was, with his tiny toy toolbox, pretending to do home repairs. He was pounding away with his plastic hammer and I remember thinking how very cute he was. That’s when he spoke. “Damn it!” he shouted as he purposely hit his thumb – and then continued hammering.
Thursday was Legislative Day in Olympia for newspaper publishers and editors in the state of Washington. The Washington Newspaper Publishers Association and Allied Newspapers jointly have sponsored this event for more than 20 years.
It is dispiriting to witness Rush Limbaugh and his ilk attempt to suck the hope out of the electorate who so recently embraced Barack Obama, and his message of changing the course of the United States of America back to one of lawfulness. That electorate which was sick unto death of former president Bush’s unlawful navigation into arrogance, secrecy, greed and certainly not least, the abrogation of the Geneva War Convention’s international agreements.
There’s an old expression still used when someone falls short of a goal while giving it their all: “Give him an ‘A’ for effort.”
Technology brings a lot of wonderful advantages to our lives, allowing us to connect instantly with friends far away and organize entire months of our lives on a small hand-held device.