Equinox Studios open house | Dec. 8

Best art party in the city... 50 artists, live bands, holiday shopping, refreshments.

World famous open house

Equinox Studios Dec 8, 2012.

Best art party in the city…  50 artists, live bands, holiday shopping, refreshments. You and your

friends are invited.  Blacksmith demos. Poetry Interludes.  Glass,

Photography,  Jewelry, Pottery, Furniture, Gizmos, Custom Bikes,

Video, Sculpture, Painting, Much Much More….



Studios…6555 5th Av S, 98108…Georgetown…6-10 pm… Revelry abounds!

Parking! https://www.facebook.com/events/446874368707296/.



Alair Wells, Alex Miller, Amar Delgar, Andy Blakeney, Betty Jo Costanzo,

Chas Guidry, Colin Stevens, Craig Howard, Dan Morgan, David Weeks, Derek Voss,

Gail Howard, Garth L’Esperance, Gini Lawson, Jacob Bain, James Ryan, Jason

Gregory, Jeffrey Olhoeft, Joel Kikuchi, John Kirschenbaum, Julia Heineccius,

Julie Bergen, Karl Seng, Keith Leggett, Lisa Geertsen, M. Anne Sweet, Mark

Faase, Melinda Hannigan, Michael Nazaroff, Michelle Smith-Lewis, Mike Stuntz,

Nika Bavaa, Patrick Kam, Patrick Moss, Patrick Nelson, Richard Lemmert, Roy

Wonder, Sam Farrazaino, Sarah Woodson, Sherry Hussey, Stacy Rosevear, Steve

Hussey, Syd Shera, Tabasco Mills, Tamara Clammer, Tim Aguero,Trevor Gauntlett.