Buckley ready to Make a Difference

By John Leggett-The Courier Herald

By John Leggett-The Courier Herald

The city of Buckley will be sponsoring its first &#8220Make a Difference Day” - an event designed to have neighbors help neighbors and clean up the city - from 9 a.m. until noon Oct. 27.

Everyone is invited to pitch in. Those interested in volunteering will meet at the skate park lot at 8:30 a.m. All are encouraged to take work gloves if they have them.

All skill levels are required for the many projects, which will be supervised by the parks and maintenance workers and, after having worked up a healthy appetite, volunteers will be able to enjoy snacks and refreshments.

&#8220When there is a call to arms for this type of activity, people can really surprise you,” said Mac McCracken, Buckley's new parks and maintenance supervisor. &#8220When I spearheaded the first one of these in Maple Valley, 600 people showed up and proudly helped clean and shape up, doing what they thought to be their civic duty.”

To participate in the Buckley event, call 360-829-1631, 360-829-0190 or 360-829-1921 ext. 210 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

John Leggett can be reached at jleggett@courierherald.com.