Modified lockdown at Glacier Middle School, Elk Ridge Elementary and White River School District office | Update

A modified lockdown is in effect at White River School District's Glacier Middle School, Elk Ridge Elementary and the district office.

UPDATE: The following statement has been posted to the school district’s website:

“June 11, 2014- We have received some threatening phone calls at the District Office.  We have contacted the Buckley Police Department, who are investigating. They will have a presence at our schools through Friday June 13th.  Elk Ridge, Glacier Middle School and the District Administration offices will be on modified lock down until further notice.  We do not believe there is a direct threat to students, but we want to use every precaution.”

A  modified lockdown is in effect at White River School District’s Glacier Middle School, Elk Ridge Elementary and the district office.

Mike Hagadone, district administrator, provided information to Kevin Hanson at the Buckley Armory.

According to Hagadone, threatening phone calls were made to the White River School District Office this morning. Hagadone did not elaborate other than to say the calls were threatening and there was more than one call.

“I don’t believe there is a threat to the students or staff,” Hagadone said.

All exterior doors are locked. The students are going to classes, but once in the class the interior doors are locked.

Students are not allowed outside of the school.

A Buckley police officer is at each school.

Some parents are arriving to pick up children.

Hagadone said a letter would be sent home with the students today informing parents about the incident.

This information was sent in from the scene by Kevin Hanson.

More information will be added when available.