After surviving a tumultuous financial year due to a failed levy, East Pierce Fire and Rescue plans to return to full strength by the end of 2017.
A flood watch warning was issued by the National Weather Service in Seattle for Tuesday, Dec. 8 through Wednesday, Dec. 9.
A flood watch warning was issued by the National Weather Service in Seattle for Tuesday, Dec. 8 through Wednesday, Dec. 9.
A high wind warning for Pierce and King Counties has been issued from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. this evening by the National Weather Service in Seattle.
A high wind warning for Pierce and King Counties has been issued from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. this evening.
Editor’s note: In an earlier version of this article, it was reported that 700,000 refugees came into the US during the 2015 fiscal year. The correct number is 70,000, reported by the New York Times.
With everything that has happened in the past few weeks, it’s no wonder that our country is still trying to regain its balance while also dealing with our own issues surrounding race, school shootings and gun control.
Since the East Pierce Fire and Rescue Foundation’s Sentimental Journey program was certified by the Pierce County Emergency Medical Services medical director last April, more than a dozen patients in East Pierce Fire and Rescue’s district have been granted a last wish before they died. Now with a $10,000 grant from MultiCare Health System, the foundation can work on expanding this program to cover all of Pierce County starting in January 2016.
The Tacoma-Pierce County Board of Health unanimously approved new e-cigarette and vaping regulations Nov. 18.
Recreational marijuana was introduced to the Plateau a year ago when two retail stores set up shop on the outskirts of Buckley. And coming this summer, The Green Door and Mr. Bills of Buckley will both be expanding their businesses to include stocking and selling medical marijuana.
Recreational marijuana was introduced to the Plateau a year ago when two retail stores set up shop on the outskirts of Buckley.
The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a high winds warning for Nov. 17 through Nov. 18.
The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a high winds warning for Nov. 17 through Nov. 18 and another flood warning active through Nov. 19