Alternative opinions on impeachment

I think the only reason Biden is running for president is because he knew he’d be investigated.

I write concerning Mr Elfers’ article, “Johnson and Trump: A tale of two presidential impeachments,” published Jan. 8, 2020. It must be restated that his comments about our President Trump are only his opinions. His charges of “abuse,” “bullying” and “obstruction” are only his opinions and not facts, although his writings make them appear so. President Trump has not been charged in court, nor found guilty of any of these allegations. They are merely indictments. Indictments formed and voted upon by a strongly-biased grand jury.

Also, he states that Trump “has tried to overturn the safeguards protected by checks and balances and separation of powers.” When, in my opinion, it is exactly these three-legged government constructs that provide Mr. Trump the legal ability to protect his office and defend himself from the abuse of power by one leg, the House of Representatives.

I believe that Mr. Biden does not want to be president. I believe that he knew he and his son would be investigated for the Ukraine issues. I believe that he and the Democrats conspired together, thereby providing this alternative motive. Without Biden’s campaign as a candidate, the motive that the investigation was for “political dirt” could not levied. This is why Biden decided to run.

I believe there was no coercion of the Ukraines.

I also strongly disagree with Mr Elfers’ opinion that President Trump is somehow conspiring to change our government into a “dictatorship.” I thank God for the Republican majority in the Senate. For without that, sane and logical governance would be missing and our country would indeed be in jeopardy.

Robert Wittner
