Cultures that liberals want to cancel

We do, in fact, would like to see some cultures go away.

Republican’s latest catch phrase: “cancel culture.” They have always been very good at catch phrases, blaming our county’s problems on “the other,” be that people of color, people of other faiths, people from other countries, whatever “other” they can make you believe is causing the problems in our country that will get you to vote for them.

Meanwhile, some of the “cultures” they want to preserve are: white supremacy, white-only voting, disallowing LGBTQ people, statues to honor Confederate generals (most of which were erected 50 or more years after the Civil War was over to make it clear who was in charge in the South and who they thought should have won that war), just for a few examples.

So when they accuse the liberals of “cancel culture,” they’re right, we would like to cancel all of those cultures and several more:

The second amendment culture that seems to say, “Owning ten guns is great, owning a hundred guns is even better, because, Hoorah! The Second Amendment.”

The culture that tells a woman she has to have that baby and then does nothing to help her raise and support that child.

The culture that keeps trying to take away voting rights from most, if not all, people of color.

The culture that says a billion dollars is not enough, a hundred billion dollars is not enough, we want you to have more so here are some tax breaks. (Some perspective here. If you earned $100,000 a year, it would take you 10 years to acquire a million dollars and that’s if you didn’t spend a penny of it — it would take you 10,000 years to acquire a billion.)

The culture that labels “people” somehow illegal. (How does a human being become “illegal”?)

What really made this country great was all of those people, from all over the world who came here over the years, looking for a better life. That’s because this country used to be about what is so eloquently stated at the base of the Statue of Liberty, “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to be free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden shore.” Liberals feel we should well remember that, except for Native Americans, we are all illegal immigrants.

Larry Benson
