OK to disagree, but still should respect privacy

As a fierce progressive who has battled often with Mr. Buss in these pages – I cannot stand his policies – I must object to the manner in which Ms. Ballard attacked Mr. Buss (Letters, May 11).

One of the valued aspects of letters to the editor in my opinion is being able to state your opinions without putting yourself in a position to be identified in such a way some nut case will take offense and attempt to harm you or your family. As our country is now almost completely armed, it is certainly improvident to identify someone. Ms. Ballard, in her (I think justified ) tirade, crossed the line by identifying Mr. Buss with his job. She asked also by inference, when The Courier-Herald will stop printing his offensive opinions. I believe, in this country, even though there is now proof the media is mostly controlled by right-wing reichers, I believe all of us have a right both to our opinions and to express those opinions, and that, Madam, does include Mr. Buss.

If you want a left-wing progressive viewpoint, there are one or two papers you may order, as The Courier-Herald is definitely not a progressive paper. But The Courier-Herald does print all views, thankfully, and I for one appreciate that fact.

Mr. Buss’s reactionary reicher opinions notwithstanding, he has a right to so do and remain at least a bit unidentified. Mr. Buss, I have no right to speak for Ms. Ballard, but I offer you my liberal viewpoint apology for some of our progressives, even though I still agree with what she had to say about your opinions. I suspect we will duel again in the C-H, and I will make no reference to you that might identify you in any manner. I also agree with her re your off-base and unproven points re Obama, health care in this country and unions.

My offer to buy you a beer still stands. I’d really enjoy a down-and-dirty conversation with you! I suspect we’d both leave angry at each other, but maybe also with a little grudging respect.

Dan Scribner
