Writer disagrees with position of three letters

The May 4 letters section was amusing. Lisa Parsons (“Green River Gorge not getting its far share from state”) wrote, “it was overlooked as a potential jobs project.” She talks about what grants they got for this and getting more grants for that. Hello, Lisa! If you are talking about private grant money, go for it. However, almost all grant money is from one government agency or another. This money would actually come from the people’s taxes. Taxes are forcibly taken from people that work in the private industry and that money is used to pay people that don’t work in private industry (government).

The state is broke. The federal government is broke. They both spent way too much and haven’t quit spending too much. Private businesses are struggling just to survive. Logic says we don’t need to waste $50 million on a trail or whatever, until we’re not broke anymore.

Brian Blake thought that Wally’s article bashing the Republicans was the best article Wally ever wrote. He was just beside himself with excitement that another newspaper opinion article beat up Republicans. Hey, Brian! Happens every day in every paper in the United States.

Then there’s Larry Benson blaming all the spending problems on all the Republicans from Reagan to the second Bush. “What their (Republicans) goal seems to be is to bankrupt the federal government.” Hey, Larry buddy! Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat House and the Democrat Senate overspent more money in two years than Reagan, Bush I and Bush II did in the 20 years they held office.

Both Larry and Brian claim or hint that the truth is coming out of the liberal news outlets while the lies are coming from the right. Now that’s more than amusing. That’s funny. There’s not enough newspaper in Enumclaw to print the examples that would make these two look silly.

And no, I do not claim Republicans to be perfect. But if they were my view of perfection you liberals would be even more amusing when you write about them.

P.S. God bless the Navy Seals for a job well done. Osama thought hew would face 72 virgins when he died. Actually, he faced 24 Virginians. The Navy Seals are from Virginia.

Ted DeVol
