Voting for Trump not “a mistake”

Trump had 81 signed legislative accomplishments in his first year, breaking the record set by President Harry S. Truman.

Editor’s note: This is a response to the April 4, 2018 letter titled, “It’s time we admit we made a mistake.”

This letter writer told us that he is “not faulting those that voted for Donald Trump back in 2017 ‘so much’ as now faulting them for being unwilling to admit a mistake was made” (The election was in 2016). In a sly way, he is also faulting Trump voters too. It appears the letter writer must watch CNN 24/7 since he is oblivious of all of President Trump’s first year accomplishments. He is probably a senior who gets his information from CNN, MSNBC and the major networks where numerous studies by the Conservative Media Research Center and even one by Harvard University have shown they all have a liberal bias. Their bias was front and center on the sad faces of the journalists at these networks right after Trump won the election. ABC’s Martha Raddatz was in tears, Cokie Roberts blamed sexism and CNN’s Van Jones angrily blamed racism just to name a few.

The people who voted for Trump and still support him did not make a mistake. If the letter writer had just spent 5 minutes looking up Trump’s first year accomplishments, he would have found the truth. Journalists at Rasmussen Reports, Newsweek, USA Today and the Washington Examiner along with others have reported that Trump had 81 signed legislative accomplishments in his first year, breaking the record set by President Harry S. Truman. Just a few examples; Tax cuts and Jobs Act, Record number of judicial appointments, Neil Gorsuch confirmed for the Supreme Court, Repealed Obamacare individual mandate, Regulatory relief, Strong defense posture, Resurgence of US economy and the American spirit just to name a few. President Trump’s accomplishments were more remarkable than most presidents since he faced unprecedented Democratic obstruction throughout his entire first year.

Donald Trump won the election because he showed empathy for the economic plight of middle class Americans while Hillary Clinton showed arrogance and called millions of those same Americans “deplorables.” During her seemingly endless book tour, Hillary doubled down and insulted all Trump supporters. Did we really want someone as our President who despised half of the people in this country? I don’t think so.

Ronald Reagan stated “Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards. If you disgrace yourself, you can always right a book.” Hillary wrote a book.

Craig Chilton
