Listen to the words, get behind grace and truth | Church Corner

Russell Wilson, popular quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks, has come out with a new clothing line, Good Man Brand. Evidently he wants guys to dress like he dresses – casual elegance. I guess Ciara likes that look! Clothes say something about a person, don't they?

Russell Wilson, popular quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks, has come out with a new clothing line, Good Man Brand. Evidently he wants guys to dress like he dresses – casual elegance. I guess Ciara likes that look! Clothes say something about a person, don’t they?

Someone wearing scrubs is probably a doctor or nurse. Someone wearing camouflage and a beret very likely is in the armed forces. A 10-gallon hat, boots and bandana – a cowboy or cowgirl. Red and black, skintight suit and mask – Spider Man!

Well, words are a type of clothing too, aren’t they? Someone has asked, “What are words? Are they not garments for our thoughts?” Indeed they are. If our words are vulgar and crass, guess what? Our thoughts undoubtedly are, too. If our words are elegant and encouraging and uplifting, chances are our thoughts are noble.

We’re hearing a lot of words these days, especially from politicians and political types. Discern carefully how they robe their thoughts. Jesus, interestingly, laid aside his cosmic kingly robe in eternity as stated in Phil. 2 and stepped into human history as the Word of God. John declares in chapter 1 of his gospel, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” His presence among us was the “robed in flesh” thoughts and mind of God. Incredible! As we look at Jesus, as we hear Jesus, as we see Jesus, we experience the mind of God.

And now, amazingly, we are to be, as it were, the mind of Christ. That’s right. We are together to be the thoughts, attitudes and actions of Jesus displayed in garments of love. Paul wrote in that same second chapter of Phil., “Have the same attitude in you as in Christ Jesus.” And, to the church in Colossae he wrote, “Put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, and forgiveness…” Wow! Spiritual clothing. The Word of God wrapped in the human flesh of you and me.

In the months ahead, look for that kind of clothing in all of the political rhetoric that’s bandied about because that’s a Good Man/Woman Brand to really get behind! Verbal garments full of grace and truth. Now that is the noblest line of clothing.

The Rev. Dr. Jim Thoburn has been in ministry in Pierce County since 1989. He now is serving as interim pastor at Community Presbyterian Church of Buckley and is a big fan of the Northwest.