2011 ELECTIONS: Sumner’s April appointment drew out candidates for November

It’s June, which means potential candidates for public office positions open in the November election must soon file with the Pierce County Auditor.

Filing week begins Monday, June 6 and ends June 10.

In Sumner, four city council seats will open up for election, including that appointed to Jon Swanson earlier this year. The other seats opening up belong to Curt Brown, Leroy Goff and Cindi Hochstetter.

The appointment process for Swanson’s—and formerly Matt Richardson’s—seat is significant because it revealed at least a few of the potential contenders for council seats early.

At the April 8 special council meeting that saw Swanson appointed, Mayor Dave Enslow asked each of the seven candidates if they intended to run for council in the fall. Steve Colgan, Joseph Gerace, Richard Lawson and Mike LeMaster all stated they intended to run.

Colgan and LeMaster are both educators, Lawson is a Rotary Club member, and Gerace is a former firefighter and law enforcement officer; he was also the only appointment candidate to come from Northend Sumner.

Candidates can file online at the Pierce County Auditor’s website, http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/abtus/ourorg/aud/elections/main/cand.htm.