Bonney Lake council to meet with Reichert

The Bonney Lake City Council will host a special meeting at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, to meet with U.S. Congressman Dave Reichert from the Eighth Congressional District.

The Bonney Lake City Council will host a special meeting at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, to meet with U.S. Congressman Dave Reichert from the Eighth Congressional District.

The special meeting is a closed forum, but open to the public and will take place at the Bonney Lake Senior Center, 19304 Bonney Lake Blvd.

Reichert will provide a district update and field questions from Mayor Neil Johnson and council members.

Due to the nature of the meeting, any questions from the public will need to be directed to the mayor or to council members in advance of the meeting. Those questions may or may not be asked during the meeting.