Brass knuckles confiscated | State Patrol police blotter

A trooper confiscated brass knuckles March 25 after stopping an Enumclaw man for erratic driving.

Washington State Patrol

Submitted by the WSP Enumclaw detachment

DRUNK DRIVER: An Enumclaw man was arrested March 26 for driving under the influence after attempting to pass a slower moving vehicle on state Route 164 near 196th Street. After passing the car, the suspect struck a barrier and spun back into the road where he was hit by the vehicle he had just passed. The incident occurred at 10:45 a.m.

BRASS KNUCKLES: A trooper confiscated brass knuckles March 25 after stopping an Enumclaw man for erratic driving.

GOING TOO FAST: A semi-truck and trailer carrying manure was not able to stop for a car stopped on at the intersection of 196th Street and state Route 164 and struck a guard rail. About 50 feet of the guard rail was damaged during the March 25 incident and the truck driver was issued a citation for traveling too fast for conditions.