Credit cards used by fraudster | Enumclaw and Buckley Police Blotter

A victim reported Sept. 9 a purse had been taken from a vehicle parked in the vicinity of Garrett Street and Roosevelt Avenue. Credit cards had already been used. The victim cancelled the cards and was to be reimbursed for the unauthorized purchases.


CARDS USED: A victim reported Sept. 9 a purse had been taken from a vehicle parked in the vicinity of Garrett Street and Roosevelt Avenue. Credit cards had already been used. The victim cancelled the cards and was to be reimbursed for the unauthorized purchases.


SEPTEMBER 7: Police heard of a domestic violence incident on Cedar Street and a domestic disturbance at a state Route 410 location. There were two calls to Carbonado – one for a traffic collision and another for a case of malicious mischief.

SEPTEMBER 6: Police responded to a hit-and-run incident at Park Avenue and state Route 410. There was a report of reckless driving on Mason Avenue, a disabled vehicle blocking traffic and seven traffic stops.