Determined burglar | Bonney Lake Police Blotter

A Bonney Lake business employee opened the business to discover the cash drawer of the register missing, as well as some electronics from the office desk. The employee reported to officers that their briefcase lock was also tampered with, although there was nothing of value in the briefcase.

April 1

Theft from vehicle: A Bonney Lake resident reported to officers seeing a vehicle prowling around her neighborhood. The resident noticed her work identification card had been stolen from her car, as well as a set of keys and the insurance card. There was no damage to the car, but the resident was unsure whether they shut the vehicle door all the way when they last exited.

Burglary: A Bonney Lake business employee opened the business to discover the cash drawer of the register missing, as well as some electronics from the office desk. The employee reported to officers that their briefcase lock was also tampered with, although there was nothing of value in the briefcase. Officers suspect the thief went through the back door, getting through the lock and pushing through a couple hundred pounds of items stacked against the door in order to get into the business, which the employee used to re-enforce the door prior to the burglary. A flashlight was found several feet from the door, and was sent to detectives for analysis.