Discuss bestsellers at the Buckley Library

At the next meeting, July 17, the group will discuss Jeffrey Eugenides's "The Marriage Plot," a coming-of-age tale about three early-'80s college graduates stuck in a love triangle and confronting the realities of life out of school.

The Buckley Pierce County Library is inviting people to join its book discussion group.

The discussion group will meet at 123 S. River Ave. the third Tuesday of each month to discuss best-selling titles. Meetings will convene at 6:30 p.m.

At the next meeting, July 17, the group will discuss Jeffrey Eugenides’s “The Marriage Plot,” a coming-of-age tale about three early-’80s college graduates stuck in a love triangle and confronting the realities of life out of school.

Future meetings:

Aug. 21: “Wesley the Owl” by Stacey O’Brien

Sept. 18: “The Worst Hard Time” by Timothy Egan

Oct. 16: “The Story of Beautiful Girl” by Rachel Simon