False alarm | Bonney Lake Police Blotter

Officers received a number of 911 hang up calls on Jan. 23. Eventually communications spoke with the 7-year-old girl who was making the calls because her mother was sick.

MISSING COMPRESSOR: A Bonney Lake business reported a stolen air conditioning compressor on Jan. 22. The reporting party determined the theft happened sometime in December, and the suspect had to climb onto the roof to get to the air conditioning unit. The reporting party believed this was not an attempt to get into the business, and the compressor was the intended item to be taken.

FALSE ALARM: Officers received a number of 911 hang up calls on Jan. 23. Eventually communications spoke with the 7-year-old girl who was making the calls because her mother was sick. Officers arrived at the residence and knocked on the door but there was no answer. Forced entry was deemed necessary, but when officers entered the house, it was quickly determined the mother was in good health. The mother explained her child may be having night terrors.