Flood management plan to be updated

Plan will seek public input

Pierce County is updating its flood management plan.

The current plan includes the Puyallup River system. The new plan will include more rivers and address recent policies and flood issues.

The updated plan will address the range of resources and policy issues facing local jurisdictions, resource managers, tribes, property owners and businesses.

Flood prevention and management is the topic of city council meetings and various river task force meetings after the flooding in late 2008.

A 2008 flood hazard assessment predicted billions of dollars in damages that would result from a major levee failure in the lower Puyallup River. Elected officials and citizens have raised questions about how best to reduce flood damages and how much residents and businesses are willing to invest to achieve this protection.

Sumner City Council members approved a step toward dredging this year.

“The goal is to reduce the risk to life and property from river flooding and channel migration,” Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy said. “It requires striking a balance among cost-effective flood hazard management, available funding, compatible human uses, economic sustainability, and improved fish and wildlife habitat in flood-prone areas.”

The county is in the process of mailing postcards to all Pierce County households. The card will include information about the flood plan update and how citizens may participate.

The project is led by Public Works and Utilities, in partnership with other groups.

The plan Web site, www.piercecountywa.org/floodplan, offers surveys and opportunities for public input on such issues as floodplain development regulations, levee maintenance, gravel removal, fish habitat, emergency response and public education.

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