Junior Miss scholarship program changes name

Tressa Lacy is trying to get the word out to young women who are juniors in the Enumclaw and Buckley area that America’s Junior Miss is alive and well. It just has a different name.

Tressa Lacy is trying to get the word out to young women who are juniors in the Enumclaw and Buckley area that America’s Junior Miss is alive and well. It just has a different name.

The 53-year-old scholarship program is now called Distinguished Young Women.

Through the years, America’s Junior Miss has changed to stay current, but its goals and purpose remain the same: to provide young women with post-high school education opportunities and an opportunity to develop self-confidence, interview and public speaking skills and relationships.

The board of trustees believes the new name better describes the program.

Lacy, Buckley’s Distinguished Young Women chairwoman, is encouraging young women currently in their junior year of high school who live within the Enumclaw or White River school district boundaries who may be interested to contact her at 253-862-9715 or buckley@distinguishedyw.org or enumclaw@distinguishedyw.org. Interested young women may also visit www.distinguishedyw.org before Feb. 15 to apply online.