New name for longtime printing business

New ownership and an expanded menu of offering for clients brought a name change for a familiar Enumclaw business.

New ownership and an expanded menu of offering for clients brought a name change for a familiar Enumclaw business.

The Printers Inc., purchased in April 2009 by Darami and Chris Coulter, officially became transmogrify with the dawn of the new year.

The name, Darami Coulter admits, brought some questions. The word, according to company business cards, means to transform something “especially in a surprising or magical manner.” Coulter explains the name captures the company’s willingness to “take the ordinary and turn it into the extraordinary.”

She adds it’s “more than a name, it’s a concept.”

The new name and image was born when Coulter realized she was providing more for clients than just the printing services The Printers Inc. was long known for. During her face-to-face meetings, Coulter said, she was generally helping customers with overall marketing and branding their image, defining target markets and identifying the competition.

“We needed a name that better reflects what we were doing,” she said.

Staff came up transmogrify and pitched it to the owners.

Coulter said all are keenly aware of the classic “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip which often featured young Calvin’s cardboard-box “transmogrifier” – a contraption he would enter and, through the power of imagination, transform himself into any type of creature.

The concept exemplifies Coulter’s “think outside the box” philosophy.

Aside from ownership, transmogrify includes 11 full-time employees, three part-time employees and a trio of interns.

The business, found at 1415 Blake St., can be reached at 360-825-5060 or 800-273-8229.