Officers to patrol lake bed for tresspassers

During the coming weeks Lake Tapps will be at historic low water levels and the lake bed will be visible and in many instances accessible. Cascade Water Alliance, owner of the lake, and law enforcement agencies warn the public that trespassing on the lake bed is dangerous and prohibited.

During the coming weeks Lake Tapps will be at historic low water levels and the lake bed will be visible and in many instances accessible. Cascade Water Alliance, owner of the lake, and law enforcement agencies warn the public that trespassing on the lake bed is dangerous and prohibited. Law enforcement officers will be enforcing laws against trespassing.

‘We’ve had two safe summers at Lake Tapps because the community worked together,’ says Joe Mickelson, Cascade’s Lake Tapps Operations Manager. ‘We need the community’s help now to keep everyone off the lake while it’s exposed. ‘ The lake bed may have areas of instability, stumps and other protrusions, and soft areas where individuals and vehicles might be injured or become stuck.

Anyone on the lake bed is trespassing. Access to the lake bed on foot, with all-terrain and other vehicles is strictly prohibited.

Law enforcement officers will be enforcing laws against trespassing.

Parents should advise their children to stay out of the lake bed.

In an emergency, call 911.

Cascade has lowered lake levels to make major repairs to the 100 year old White River Lake Tapps Project including inspecting, assessing and fixing all conveyances and systems. For a current look at the projects that are underway and/or have been completed, as well as the latest information and current lake levels, visit