Storm damage | Office of the Insurance Commissioner

Our home was damaged by a windstorm. We're worried. What's next?

The following question was asked and answered by the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner:

Question: Our home was damaged by a windstorm. We’re worried. What’s next?

Answer: We get this question a lot. It’s very important that you try to safeguard your home from further damage. Depending on the type of damage, you may be able to safely do this yourself or you may need to hire someone – especially if you need to get a tarp on the roof if you’re dealing with utilities or damaged and unstable structures.

You’ll also want to contact your insurance agent or your insurer directly to let them know what’s going on, and to get any necessary instructions from them. They can also tell you how your coverage will apply. Most importantly, stay safe!

More insurance tips to help prepare for stormy weather can be found on the insurance commissioner’s website.