Sumner School District is an official participant in the Washington State earthquake drill occurring October 16, 2014. This is the district’s 3rd year participating in the statewide drill which is an annual opportunity for students and staff to practice how to be safe during a big earthquake.
The Sumner School District works in partnership with local law enforcement, public safety and county emergency management to prepare for emergency conditions in our schools.
Each school has developed and implemented a comprehensive plan for responding to a variety of natural disasters and hazardous situations including earthquake, lahar, fire, bomb threat, and hazardous materials incidents. Staff and students practice appropriate responses including evacuation, lockdown and shelter-in-place. “Shelter-in-place” ispracticed to protect students and staff from chemical, radiological, or biological contaminants released into the environment. To “shelter-in-place” means to takeimmediate shelter where you are and isolate your inside environment from the outsideenvironment. These drills are done routinely and help prepare staff and students for emergency situations in our schools.
A system for managing school emergency situations provides students, staff and parents with a plan and a sense of security. Staff members have been assigned specific tasks they are responsible for during an emergency situation. Exhibiting leadership during a school evacuation or providing first aid are as important as communicating information to parents and organizing student relocation centers for parent reunification. District facilities are equipped with emergency supplies, radios and equipment that may be necessary to shelter students for two or three days.
To read more about Sumner School District emergency preparedness visit the district website.