TIPs for transportation | Sumner Mayor Update

You've heard me talk a lot about #SumTraffic and the SR 410 interchange, but we know that's not the only place in Sumner that needs attention. Our roads are quite "popular" these days with lots of people wanting to use them.

The following is written by Sumner Mayor Dave Enslow:

You’ve heard me talk a lot about #SumTraffic and the SR 410 interchange, but we know that’s not the only place in Sumner that needs attention.  Our roads are quite “popular” these days with lots of people wanting to use them.

Every year, the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists top priorities for transportation improvements for roads, sidewalks and trails.  Like a letter to Santa, it’s the “wish list” that tell you, the public, as well as funding agencies at the State and Federal level what our top priorities are for road work and funding.  Unlike a letter to Santa, the TIP is not realized overnight but launches many long hours of effort from our staff, gathering together grant funding and filling out complicated applications.

The TIP also gives you a regular update on how efforts to obtain funding are going for key projects.  We all encounter traffic throughout town, so I encourage you to check out the TIP and see how projects are, in fact, moving even when traffic is not.

Arterial Priorities

1.  Bridge Street bridge – $17 million – funded, design complete, expect construction late 2016

2. The intersections at SR 410 & Traffic Avenue –  $20 million – partially funded, expect design 2016-18

3.  142nd Ave E Overlay – $1.9 million – partially funded, design done, expect construction in 2017

4.  Stewart Road/8th Street bridge – $14 million – partially funded, design and right-of-way work underway

5.  SR 410 ramp signals at 166th – $4 million – not funded, WSDOT project
6.  24th St Bridge from 142nd – $25 million – not funded
7. Main Street & 160th Street – $1 million- not funded
8. Construct 62nd Street from 166th to 160th – $3.5 million – not funded
9. Hwy 162, N of SR 410 – unknown $, not funded, WSDOT project

Take a look at the full plan, including work on collector streets, ongoing projects and sidewalks.