Tips to avoid spending Thanksgiving in a veterinary ER with your pet

Turkey bones, chicken bones and ham bones can splinter and cause the intestinal track to become perforated.

During the holidays, there is a significant uptick in pet-related emergencies, many of which are avoidable.

Some of these problems include gastrointestinal irritations with vomiting and diarrhea, pancreatitis from eating foods high in fat, and an increase in animals being struck by vehicles.

By practicing these safety precautions and tips, you may just save your furry friend’s life:

  • Turkey bones, chicken bones and ham bones can splinter and cause the intestinal track to become perforated. Foods high in fat content can cause pancreatitis in companion animals. Make sure to seal garbage bags and place them in a tightly covered container to prevent your pets from getting into something that could injure them.
  • Many spices and foods that are safe for humans are not safe for animals. Onions, garlic, chocolate, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, the sugar substitute xylitol, and raw or undercooked food can create major problems for pets. Make sure friends and family aren’t sneaking treats to your pets. It is best to keep your pets on their normal diets.
  • Doors that are left unintentionally open can result in your pet being hit by a car. As guests and deliveries come and go, make sure pets remain safely inside.
  • Lilies and poinsettias are also toxic to pets. Make sure these plants are out of reach from pets.
  • Traveling can be stressful for pets. If traveling with pets, make sure they are comfortable. Get them acclimated when they are young by taking them on trips. If needed, herbal remedies or medications can be provided by your veterinarian to assist with calming a pet.

“If your pet is exhibiting signs that they are not feeling well, please get them to your veterinarian or closest emergency veterinarian as soon as possible,” said Dr. Beth Davidow, medical director of ACCES. “From all of us here at BluePearl, we wish you and your pets a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.”



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