Will the wheels on the bus go round and round?: Bonney Lake posts public transit survey

Bonney Lake was one of three cities to leave Pierce Transit's service district on Oct. 1, but the plateau community is seeking community input on alternative public transportation options.

Bonney Lake was one of three cities to leave Pierce Transit’s service district on Oct. 1, but the plateau community is seeking community input on alternative public transportation options.

The city government posted a survey Feb. 4 to gather details on what residents would expect from public transit.

Among other questions, the survey asks where people would like to go in the city, outside the city, and how much they would be willing to pay in taxes for the service. Due to the problem of low ridership under Pierce Transit, the city is asking survey takers to be as honest as possible about their desired riding habits.

The link to the survey is above, but it is also available from Bonney Lake’s website and Facebook page.