Do you wait well? | Church Corner

By George Dakin, Wabash Church

Are you a patient person for whom waiting is no big deal? Maybe you’re the guy or gal who even though you arrived a fraction of a second before the other car at the intersection, you still wave it on. “Go ahead,” is what you’re thinking. “I’ll wait!”

What about when things are tough? Maybe you do okay waiting for cross traffic, but when it comes to medical diagnoses other more stressful situations your waiting skills are wanting. Is there anything in life that can cause our waiting, when things are stressful, to be less difficult?

I think waiting on the Lord to work, rather than for our circumstances to change, is the ticket to a less stressful wait.

In Psalm 130, the author is crying out to God “from the depths.” “O Lord, hear my voice” the writer exclaims. We’re not told what the circumstances are but we can assume they’re dire. “Let your ear be attentive” is the plea.

Yet the writer seems to admit there might be some sin in his or her life. However, “there is forgiveness” we’re told, but given what comes in verse 5, it seems that there will be a waiting period for that forgiveness.

However, the writer is not going to rely on him or her self to work on his or her behalf. Instead, he or she exclaims “I will wait for the Lord…in his word I hope.” The central focus for our waiting on the Lord is His word. Otherwise, upon what will you wait? Your skills? Your cleverness? Your ingenuity? Who knows but that may be the reason the author is in the depths already!

If you’re in the midst of a stressful season of life, having to wait, allow your focus to be upon the word of the Lord. As you wait, look to Him for his forgiveness because we’re told that our ultimate needs are met in him. In verse seven we’re told that with him there is “steadfast love” and “plentiful redemption.” It’s what makes waiting bearable!