The sounds and smells of the Pete’s Pool stadium | Places of Identity

Aiden Corniel writes about the hustle and bustle of the local sports arena.

Editor’s note: Enumclaw Middle School students wrote essays about how places around the Plateau shaped their identity. Six essays have been selected to be published in the Courier-Herald at the end of the month, every other month; they have been minimally edited to retain the author’s voice. This is the second of the six essays.

Boom! The exciting sensation of cheering fills the arena creating a welcoming feel. The laughs of people bonding and having fun create a safe feel to the environment. The sounds of singing form a fog that feels like home. While watching the game the cleats hitting the Artificial grass make a scratchy sound. The sound of scoring, yelling, and playing. The announcer yelling every time we score

Enter the arena and have the smell of popcorn flood the lungs. Walking further the smell of hot dogs on the grill shocks a smokey smell into the air.. Then the metal of the bleachers will crawl up your nostrils. The nachos will then uppercut the cheesy smell into the nose. While the rubber smell from the turf lingers. Now smell the exhaust from the mocha motion truck. Followed by the french fries at the snack shack.

Next to come is the feel of the autumn breeze brushing against thou skin. Then sit while the cold from the metal bleachers crawls up the body like a spider. Soon the tremble of the ground as the announcer shouts “TOUCHDOWNNNNNNNN ENUMCLAAWWW,” creates an earthquake feeling. Feel the turf crunch beneath one another’s feet as they walk. Then feel the drizzle of rain falling onto you.

Taste the sugary coke mixed with the salty fries. Then the crisp fall air mixed with the pleasant smell of pine from the forest nearby. Next the sweet M&M’s. You will also taste the crunch of the homemade buttery popcorn.

My family and I moved to Enumclaw eight years ago when I was 6 years old. We have so many memories here with friends, family and others who mean so much to us. Pete’s pool is a place where we all can have fun with friends and family while enjoying our home team play football. This place defines who I am by giving me a place to socialize and have fun without having to go far. It is important to me because each year I look forward to watching the football games with my friends and having fun at Pete’s Pool.