Don’t miss all the Halloween-related events this month!
From pumpkin picking to panicked screams, the Plateau has it all.
Scores of attendees listened to speakers talk about the importance of connecting Enumclaw and Buckley via a pedestrian trail.
Locals nominated many businesses as “the best”, but as they say, there can only be one.
There will be live music and free food to mark the occasion.
Roosters are more than just food.
Mary Lou Gann went missing Sept. 1; she was found safe on Sept. 4.
Heartwood Haven accuses law enforcement in general of a lack of care for rescued cockfighting birds; the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department pushed back
The Black Diamond Labor Days festival is just around the corner, plus the Expo Center’s BBQ and Brats event, Beautify Enumclaw and Buckley, and more.
The annual Maris Farms event is still going on this weekend, Aug. 24 and 25.
The two are battling for Legislative District 5’s Representative No. 1 seat.
And the Buckley EMS levy lid lift is passing handily.
The owners of the undisclosed home are at large; they may face several felony charges, including animal cruelty.