Cathy Dahlquist works across the aisle, for the people | Letter

Pam Roach’s ad in last week’s paper and on the flyer board states that she is rated “No. 1 most effective legislator in Olympia, Washington Post 6-13-14.”

Pam Roach’s ad in last week’s paper and on the flyer board states that she is rated “No. 1 most effective legislator in Olympia, Washington Post 6-13-14.”

This is not true.

The Washington Post does not endorse candidates for state Senate races outside the Washington, D.C., area. This so called “rating” is a fantasy apparently created to mislead District 31 voters.

We need honest state senators who will work together to solve issues. We are voting for Cathy Dahlquist who has a proven track record of working across the aisle for all the people of Washington state.

Diane C. Thompson

and Robert S. Thompson
