If you’re going to bash our president, do it constructively

“Ode to Donald” shouldn’t have been published.

In response to the “Grinch” letter, (“Ode to Donald,” published Jan. 9) I found it not worthy of being printed in the paper. It says nothing about what President Trump is doing as our president, or how he might improve. It is simply a Trump-bashing hate letter. Here are some things he could have included:

1) The president doesn’t take a salary for all his hard work

2) Employment is at an all-time high, especially for blacks and Hispanics

3) He wants America to be great, and doesn’t want a government that has failed in other countries

4) He has cut taxes

5) He got the Crime Justice Law passed

6) Unemployment is the lowest in history

7) He is strong on national security

8) He is working to get other countries to pay their agreed share to NATO.

These all seem good things to me, but maybe the author of the Grinch letter could find fault.

Mary Brownell
